Automatically saving agrement with signature to event
Susan Weil
Currently when an event is finalized and the agreement is signed, I get an email from PV with the electronically signed agreement as an attachment. When I go to the event in PV, there does not seem to be any way to access that signed agreement. I can see the agreement, but I can't see if it's been signed and by whom. The only way I can see the signed agreement is through the email that's sent to my email (not through the system messaging system within PV). Is there any way the agreement could automatically be downloaded as a document within the event? Or some other way we could see who signed it and when?
Kelsey Flanagan
Kelsey Flanagan
Susan Weil Hi Susan! Are you able to click into the Agreement.pdf in BEOs & Docs within the event? This will download the agreement and show you who signed & when!