Reformat and customize layout and text of BEOs
Eliza Young
BEO layout: Would like to format the BEO to have the event details and setup notes in the larger section of the body of the page instead of just the left side column. Otherwise, some of our event notes will run for pages in the current set up.
BEO text: Would like to have options for text to be bold, italics, underlined to help write clearer notes.
BEO font size: Chefs like larger font.
Luke Hutchison
The newly designed BEOs are out!
- For the Chef's BEO in particular we increased the font size so that it is easier to read in the kitchen.
- The ability to customize the BEOs will be coming out soon with custom note sections and templates with rich text formatting. Stay tuned!
Rebecca Millette
Luke Hutchison: would still love to shift order of items around on the fly!
Luke Hutchison
Rebecca Millette: Under the Proposal Tab, just click the arrows in the upper right hand corner. From there, you can then adjust the order of the items. Is that what you're looking for?
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Luke Hutchison
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Luke Hutchison
Luke Hutchison
under review
Billeigh Himelein-Ford
I would like to add to this, that in addition to being able to bold, italic or underline, also having the ability to add in a break line that is maybe "greyed" out, to break up sections.
I.E. Bar Selection, Break Line, Appetizers, Break Line, Dinner, Break Line, etc.
I think this would help make it easier for staff and kitchen to read and not overlook something as well.
Also, the ability to "indent" something.
I.E. Menu item description, being able to indent helps flow of reading as well as our teams have often said it all runs together and thats when things get overlooked
Steve Anderson
Billeigh Himelein-Ford: YES! I am already having an issue with this being one long list without breaks to highlight sections. OR - if the BEO would print in sections / quadrants so that you can easily refer to the section applicable to you (food box, beverage box, and so on).
Anita Taft
This is a request we get often from our staff - especially kitchen!
Cristin Mercer
This would be very helpful. Notes currently get lost or overlooked.